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  • Are you looking for a contemporary flat or a flexible office space in the leafy, quiet suburbs of Athens?

  • Do you need easy access to both the airport and the main metro line? 

  • Scroll down, cause this might be the one!


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If you are looking for a recently-built, luxurious flat, at an affordable price, to establish your business or to live in, maybe this property is the right one for you.

The flat is on the 4th floor of an office building and it is the only flat on the floor.

The flat comprises of a main office area which can be easily modified, based on the occupant's needs. In its current state as a private educational facility, the installment of temporary glass dividers has allowed for the formation of 2 separate classroom modules.

If used as an office space, the flat is ideal for lawyers, doctors or other professionals who are looking for an office space on a quiet commercial street, in a popular area, right next to public amenities, banks and central Athenian avenues.

If used as a living space, the flat is ideal for business people, frequently visiting Athens for meetings or other business-related purposes.

Its huge balcony, is protected from the strong Athenian sun by a pergola and it offers breathtaking views of Mount Penteli and mount Imittos. It is the ideal setting for a relaxed business meeting or barbecue!

General Info



Zone Price

Commercial Ind.

Floor Area


Allowed Uses

Year of build


20 Grammou St




55 (+30 sq.m. ext.)





Flat characteristics

1 WC, kitchenette

High-Security door

Double Glazing

Air Conditioning

Modern ceiling light installations




Τα Βριλήσσια

Ο δήμος Βριλησσίων, με πληθυσμό 30.741 κατοίκους, φημίζεται για την άρτια ρημοτομία και τα υψηλά ποσοστά ιδιωτικού πρασίνου.


Πυρήνας του οικισμού είναι η Πλατεία Αναλήψεως, που τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει εξελιχθεί σε ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλή προορισμό για καφέ με την οικογένεια, καθώς οι τριγύρω δρόμοι έχουν πεζοδρομηθεί και δεν κινδυνεύουν τα παιδιά από διερχόμενα αυτοκίνητα.

Η πλατεία αναλήψεως είναι μόλις 2 λεπτά με τα πόδια από το διαμέρισμα!

Η Γειτονιά

Η οδός Γράμμου είναι ο δεύτερος πιο βασικός εμπορικός δρόμος των Βριλησσίων μετά τη Λ. Πεντέλης. Τα τελευταία χρόνια, ο δρόμος έχει διαμορφωθεί σε hub για γιατρούς διαφόρων ειδικοτήτων.


Παρά τον εμπορικό του χαρακτήρα, ο δρόμος παραμένει ήσυχος αφού η κίνηση συγκεντρώνεται στην ακριβώς παράλληλη κεντρική αρτηρία, την Λ. Πεντέλης.Το παρκάκι της οδού Γράμμου προσφέρει μια ανάσα πρασίνου στη γύρω περιοχή.

Το παρκάκι της οδού Γράμμου είναι ακριβώς δίπλα στο διαμέρισμα!

Το Κτίριο

Η 4-όροφη πολυκατοικία χτίστηκε το 2005 από το κατασκευαστικό γραφείο του Α. Αθανασόπουλου ( νυν Eurohome Τεχνική Κατασκευαστική).

Στο ισόγειο υπάρχουν καταστήματα και γραφεία στους υπόλοιπους 3 ορόφους.

Στην πολυκατοικία υπάρχει επίσης και υπόγειος χώρος στάθμευσης.

Για τους ενδιαφερόμενους που το επιθυμούν, είναι δυνατή η αγορά θέσεως στάθμευσης στο υπόγειο!




The municipality of Vrilissia, with a population of 30,741 inhabitants is renown for its exceptional Urban Design and the high rates of private and public green space.

The heart of the town is Analipseos square which, in recent years, has become an increasingly popular destination for coffee with the family since the adjacent streets have been pedestrianised and they are, therefore, safe for small children.

Analipseos Square is only 2 minutes away on foot from the flat!

The Neighbourhood

Grammou street is the second most important commercial street in Vrilissia, after Pentelis avenue. In recent years, numerous private clinics have been established on the street, making it a medical hub for doctors of various different specialties. 

Despite its commercial attributes, the street remains quiet, since the traffic is mostly accumulated in the parallel central route; Pentelis Avenue.

The Grammou street neighbourhood park with its tall, magestic poplar trees is a beloved and familiar place for the local residents.

The park is just a few metres away from the flat!

The Building

The 4-storey building was built in 2005 by the developer firm of A. Athanasopoulos (currently named Eurohome).

On the ground floor there are shops while the rest of the floors are occupied by small businesses, and used as office spaces.

In the basement there is a large garage space that serves the needs of the owners/building occupants.

Should the potential buyer be interested, the purchase of a garage space is also possible!


Virtual staging for office, clinic or living space layout

At the moment the flat is being used as a private educational establishment. The temporary glass dividers have created two separate spaces; one classroom and a second classroom which is combined with a foyer area.

Alternatively, the flat can be used as a clinic with a medical examination room and a foyer/waiting area.

For residential use, the bedroom can be easily separated from the main living space with dividers or curtains.

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